

Our school is a Local Authority school. For School Admissions please refer to the Northumberland County Council School admission policy and procedures at the weblink below.

It sometimes happens that more requests are received than the number of available spare places at any particular school. When this is the case, Northumberland LA applies the following criteria to the requests in an attempt to select, without favour or prejudice, those which can be agreed and those which, regrettably, must be denied.

Priority is given to cases which meet this criteria in descending order of merit:

1. Pupils on whose behalf evidence of exceptional medical or social need is presented, (this will normally have to be supported by a professionally involved third party).

2. Pupils living within the catchment area of the school and those on whose behalf firm evidence is presented that they will live in the catchment area by the appropriate admission date.

3. Pupils who have an older brother or sister who already attends the school and who is expected to be on roll at the school at the time of admission.

4. Pupils whose requests are based on need to maintain continuity of education provision within the feeder pattern of Northumberland's system of first, middle and high schools.

5. Pupils on whose behalf preferences are expressed on grounds other than those outlined above.

When applications on behalf of children who are resident in other local education authorities areas are being considered, in order to ensure that they are treated on an equitable basis, category (2) of the criteria will not be applied to the school in question. Should it prove necessary to distinguish between pupils in any given category, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school, measured in a direct line from home to school.