
Otterburn Information Report

Information Report   2022-23

 Otterburn Primary School & Nursery


Mainstream Primary School  and Nursery (3 -11 years)


  • Ground floor only.
  • Ramp to front entrance.  Single step down into main corridor. Single step into classrooms and main hall.
  • Ramped access into Key Stage 2 from the playground.
  • Fully accessible toilet.


Are you currently able to deliver your core offer consistently over all areas of your school?

YES. All of the staff at our School has the experience, training and expertise to recognise children who may have additional needs and are able to offer initial support.  If referrals are made teaching staff work closely with support services to provide the recommended interventions.

Training for SEND is available for all staff so that the needs of our children can be addressed appropriately.


Are the school policies available on the website for:

Special Education Needs






Equality and Diversity

Yes – our policy is called ‘Equality Impact Assessment’

Are you aware/familiar with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Equality Act 2010?



Please indicate what your school has to offer (over and above your core offer) in each of the following areas:

Areas of strength:

We have one full time Teaching Assistant who is trained in Safeguarding, Spoken Language Difficulties in Children, Behaviour Management, Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Children, Dyslexia Awareness and Spelling, Young Children with Social, and Communication Difficulties.  In addition to this, all staff work closely together to identify needs, enable early intervention and improve the emotional, mental and social development of pupils with special educational needs.

Our good links within our mini and wider partnership also enable us to provide a seamless transition to the local feeder schools.


Specialist Facilities/Equipment to support SEND

All facilities are on ground level with wheelchair access, including the outdoor Reception area.  We have extensive outdoor play space including allotments, playing field, outdoor quiet areas and a large playground with climbing facilities.   

Input from Therapists/Advisory Teachers/other specialist support services

We work closely with external agencies and have swift access to local support and specialist advice to staff and pupils. The team of specialists include educational psychologists, inclusion support, literacy, speech and language, autistic spectrum support staff and education welfare officers.

We are able to access services from Health, including speech and language therapy, paediatric physiotherapy, mental health, dietitians and the health visitor.

Children’s Service based in Hexham provides support for social welfare.


How do you promote inclusion within the school? Including day and residential trips?

Teachers plan differentiated lessons that involve all children in a challenging yet supportive way, making excellent use of our experienced Higher Level Teaching Assistant to enable this to take place within a normal classroom environment.

As a School we have a clear reward system which is used to promote positive behaviour.  A wide variety of strategies are available to all children, for example visual timetables and quiet areas for time-out.

Visits and trips are well planned to ensure that all children are included.  We always ensure that we have a high ratio of adults to children, and all accompanying adults are made aware of the specific needs of the children involved. All visits trips have risk assessments carried out prior the event to ensure everyone’s health and safety. This includes our Year 5/6 residential visit in the summer term, with extra adult support being employed when necessary.

What proportion of children currently at the school have an SEND?

Currently 14  pupils out of 58  are being supported by school staff.




How do you involve/support the parents of children with an SEND regarding and meeting their needs? How do you communicate their progress and areas of difficulty?

We have an open door policy which enables parents to maintain close relationships with all school staff.  If an individual child is identified as having specific needs a Pupil Profile is written for the child, setting clear targets and a date for review.  Parents are invited into school to discuss the Pupil Profile and the ways in which support can be given to meet the child’s needs.  Baseline assessments are completed and the Pupil Profile is reviewed each half term so that measurable progress can be seen.  Interventions put in place are designed to meet the specific needs of each individual child and are continuously adapted to ensure continued progress is made on a long term basis.

We communicate with parents both formally and informally including the review of pupil Intervention and Support Plans, Parents Consultation Evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms.  We also hold specific parent workshops to enable parents to advice parents on how best to support their children with home learning as well as drop in sessions across the year.

How will school prepare children with SEND to join their next setting?

The majority of children enter school through our Nursery provision. This enables all children to feel at ease when starting school in Reception.

Throughout the school year whole school activities take place and this supports the transition between EY/KS1 and KS1/KS2.  Children are taught in mixed-age classes and family groups are organised for whole school activities.

A s a primary school we continue to organise a number of transition activities with our feeder schools throughout the year and particularly for our Year 5 and 6 children. 


What else do you think parents /carers would like to know about your school?

At Otterburn Primary School & Nursery we endeavour to ensure that all pupils:

  • Have access to a differentiated, broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum
  • Make progress through challenging learning
  • Are assessed using appropriate assessment tools and guidelines
  • Have equal access to resources, provision and interventions as needed.

Teachers and the Higher Level Teaching Assistant use a wide range of interventions for literacy, numeracy, speech and language, and physical needs.

These include whole class, 1 to 1 or small group reading, spelling and handwriting groups.  Read Write Inc and Numicon are used across the school. Number stacks  is used to boost maths skills.

We are able to match learning programmes to suit  individual children, for example, Year 2 children are able to work alongside Year 3 children in order to consolidate learning for as long as necessary.


(Name and position)


Erica Bush



1st December 2022


December 2023