
PE Vision Statement

At Otterburn Primary School we believe a high-quality PE curriculum should be an integral part of the whole school curriculum and one that staff, children and parents understand and can contribute to.  

Physical education contributes to healthy and active lifestyles, improves emotional well-being, promotes good behaviour, and develops key skills such as leadership, confidence, social and team-building skills. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all children develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad & balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to be enjoyed.

Developing children’s personal qualities through PE can have a positive impact towards school and learning. When PE and school sport provision is of the highest quality, all children will, to the best of their abilities, develop and demonstrate the following personal qualities:

  • A strong desire to learn & make progress;
  • High levels of dedication, attendance and involvement in PE and school sport;
  • High levels of commitment to PE and school sport;
  • Good levels of positive behaviour such as politeness, fair play and helpfulness; and High levels of enjoyment and enthusiasm and a strong desire to get involved.

By implementing a monitoring & reviewing assessment system of PE, we can measure the impact and progress of the quality & provision within our school which will lead to overall whole-school improvement.