
What is our policy for identifying SEND?

Our policy is:

Some children arrive at our school with identified SEND, in which case the SENCO will liaise with the previous school, nursery or setting to ensure there is a smooth transition and continuity of provision.

If, during a child’s time at our school, teachers begin to have concerns about progress or attainment, parents will be contacted to discuss these concerns so they can share their views. There is a period of monitoring and review, including an analysis of the child’s progress compared with peers, national data and expectations of progress.

Following this, and in consultation with all relevant staff at school, the child (if appropriate) and the child’s parents, a child may be identified as having SEND and appropriate provision will be made.

Sometimes the school will call upon support from an outside service to help with assessment. That could include an educational psychologist, a specialist teacher or a health professional. We would discuss this with you first.

If parents have any concerns about their child they should contact their class teacher in the first instance. Alternatively, they may make an appointment to see the SENCO or the Head teacher.

SENCo: Mrs Erica Bush

Sometimes a child needs SEND support for a short period of weeks or months. In those cases, once the support is successful the child may no longer need additional support. We would, however, continue to monitor your child’s progress.

Some children will need long-term support. They may need a formal plan and the involvement of other services. In these cases we will ask the local authority to support us. That support could be a visiting professional, High Needs funding or an Education Health & Care Plan.

You can find out more at:


pages 94-97

See appendix 1 ‘Identifying Children with SEND: initial concerns’