
How do we assess and review progress towards outcomes including proving opportunities to work with parents as part of this process?

Children with SEND may need to make one or two kinds of progress:

  • Academic progress. This measures how well they are learning in their subjects.
  • Personal development. This measures other things such as independence, self-managing behaviours, getting on well with others, communicating with other people.


This is how we assess academic progress:

  • Your child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher
  • His/her progress is reviewed formally in our Pupil Progress meetings each half term.
  • If your child is in Year 1 and above, but not yet working within the National Curriculum, a more sensitive assessment tool is used which shows their level in more detail and will also show smaller but significant steps of progress. These levels are called ‘P levels’
  • At the end of each key stage (i.e. at the end of Year 2 and Year 6) all children are required to be formally assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATS). This is something the government requires all schools to do and the results are published nationally.
  • All Children on the SEND register have an individual Support Plan or Passport which is reviewed every term and the plan for the next term made. The targets allow us to focus on non-academic progress measures as well as progress in maths and English. Eg attention, concentration, communication, social awareness
  • The progress of children with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review for all adults involved with the child’s education.

This is how we assess personal development progress:

  • Your child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher
  • All children on the SEND register have an ISP (individual support plan) which is reviewed every term and the plan for the next term made. The ISP targets allow us to focus on non-academic progress measures as well as progress in maths and English. Eg attention, concentration, communication, social awareness
  • The progress of children with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review for all adults involved with the child’s education.

We use a range of assessment tools to help measure progress.