
What expertise and training do our staff have to support children with SEND, including how specialist expertise will be secured?

We have one Teaching Assistant who is trained in Spoken Language Difficulties in Children, Behaviour Management, Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Children, Dyslexia Awareness and Spelling, Young Children with Social, and Communication Difficulties.  In addition to this, all staff work closely together to identify needs, enable early intervention and improve the emotional, mental and social development of pupils with special educational needs.

Our good links within our mini and wider partnership also enable us to provide a seamless transition to the local Middle Schools.


We work closely with external agencies and have swift access to NIES (Northumberland Inclusive Education Services) and are able to offer support and specialist advice to staff and pupils. The team of specialists include educational psychologists, emotional wellbeing and behaviour support, literacy and specific learning, speech and language, autistic spectrum support, EAL and sensory support.

We are able to access services from Health, including speech and language therapy, paediatric physiotherapy, mental health, dieticians and the health visitor.

Children’s Service based in Hexham provides support for social welfare.